Herpes Simplex Eye Infections and Cold Sore on Eyelids

Yesterday saw Dylan at the hospital under the care of dermatology. A team which I had suggested last year would be useful to see with Dylan’s ongoing cold sore on eyelid and skin issues.  Finally, in the summer that referral was made by an amazing ENT consultant. This consultant actually took time to talk to Dylan and I about his ongoing cold sore eyelid problems.  Apparently our history of events doesn’t make medical sense.  I think this is why we have been fobbed off so much over the years.

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a common virus that affects many people. In addition to causing cold sores, this virus can cause sores to appear on the eyes. When it affects a person’s eyes, the condition is known as eye herpes, ocular herpes, or herpetic eye disease.

Herpes Eye Infection Symptoms

Although we are sent to the hospital each March /April time with Dylan in pain and looking unwell there was no idea what these infections were caused by.  I was dismissed when I said I thought it was linked to hayfever and especially the first cutting of the grass.  Dyl has always had allergies but more recently doctors had thought it was shingles but couldn’t explain a link between spring and getting the blisters which looked like a cold sore.  Every March / Apr for the past five years Dyl has ended up in the hospital with due to having cold sores on or under his eyelid.

Some of the symptoms depend on the affected part of the eye. Examples of these symptoms include:

  • the feeling of something being in the eye
  • headaches
  • light sensitivity
  • redness
  • tearing

Sometimes, a person may also experience herpes sores on top of the eyelids. These may resemble a rash with blisters.

PIN 'children health' 'Herpes Simplex Eye Infections'

Well, now we have a name and a treatment plan. It seems that whereas I get the occasional cold sore Dylan is getting these travelling up to his eyes rather than down to his mouth.  The times they thought he had shingles are in fact a much rarer type of cold sore on eyelid known as Herpes Simplex Infections.  Swabs have confirmed this. But what is more unusual is that Dylan’s are bilateral.  They can affect the upper and lower parts of his eyes. There is a real concern that if these go into his eyes they can cause permanent scarring. Therefore we will be having regular eye tests to check the health of his eye starting from next week.

Herpes Eye Infection Images

cold sore on eyelid side view
cold sore on eyelid front view
cold sore on eye side view

How long does a herpes eye infection last?

The cold sore on eyelids always flare up in March-May and I have told countless doctors that this is when his hayfever is at its worst. Well, finally the dermatologist agreed and explained that the hayfever suppresses his immunity which is already low.  This means the sunlight is probably triggering the cold sore virus to activate. Therefore the hayfever is indirectly causing the flare up. The spring days sees the sun rising and this is triggering his cold sore outbreak.

Treatment for a cold sore on an eyelid

 Knowing this means that Dylan will spend six months of the year taking antiviral medication that should stop the infection and reduce the severity of an outbreak.

We won’t know until next spring if this will work but at least we finally are being proactive.  It has taken a long time to get this far which seems crazy. It makes him so poorly when he has an outbreak.  I hate getting a cold sore, it makes me grumpy, tired, run down and fed up plus it itches. Imagine for Dylan how bad it gets when he gets clusters of cold sore on eyelids.  Then on top of that, he often has to deal with secondary infections like cellulitis which require IV antibiotics and a stay in hospital.

What with SAT’s and school trip away for a week I really hope this won’t blight yet another summer.  For Dylan, the health issues often stem from the secondary infections that develop. This includes cellulitis.  Hopefully, now it shouldn’t get that bad.  The consultant yesterday has said that he will see Dylan if ever we end up on children’s ward with this again.

I am feeling hopeful that now we understand what the cold sore is and how to treat it things will improve.

Treatment for Herpes eye infection

Update, Dylan is now 15 and taking aciclovir tablets daily from Feb- June and as a result he has had less cold sore outbreaks and he has not required any hospital admissions because they have not become infected. No antibiotics have been required either. During a cold sore outbreak we double his dosage and can manage the condition at home.


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5 Responses

  1. So sad, cold sore is really a contagious viral disease which once contracted, you remain a carrier. He need to eat immune boosting foods, avoid stress and you can also check out this for tips on how to avoid reoccurrence.

    1. My son is seven and it started on his check after he grazed it from falling on the ground and his baby skin was too sensitive in that area and then hello herpes, he’s four years now of it reoccurring and as he is growing the skin is stretching so it is now no longer on his cheek but under his little eye, he is on anti viral medication so I am hoping it will do something. Thank you for your update on Dylan it’s hopeful for the future

  2. Idk how old this is but my daughter is 3 and has been getting the same exact thing every few months and finally we are going to a dermatoligist. Haven’t found somebody with the same exact thing I’m glad I found this!

  3. A couple weeks ago I woke up and immediately noticed my eye really hurt. I’ve always gotten cold sores on my lips during a certain time of the year since I was young. ( I’m 15 now and still get them. ) My eye felt like a cold sore that was beginning… except on my bottom lid. At the time I didn’t know you could get cold sores around the eye area, so I didn’t really think much of it. My mom pointed out it was getting red very quickly, but I couldn’t really do anything about it considering I didn’t know what was happening. My siblings and I went to my grandparents house that same day and they pointed out that it wasn’t just red now, it looked like a black eye. Days went past and it got worse and worse. My eye looked EXACTLY like the first picture you posted. I had the same yellow bumps, my eye was swollen and very red. It also itched a lot but when I would try to itch it ,it was so painful. My mom and I did a virtual doctors appt. and he said he was almost positive it was herpes simplex, but wasn’t exactly sure because it looked different on camera vs in real life. I was prescribed 4 different medications. -Lupin ,Acyclovir and cream for my eye. (The 4th was eyedrops but there was/is no need to use it considering it wasn’t in my eye.) I have to take 4 of the lupin pills a day ,(its not easy sometimes since their so big. ) 3 of the Acyclovir pills a day and the eye cream has to be put on 3 times a day. On top of those 7 pills , I have my adhd morning / afternoon pill , biotin (vitamin pill) and melatonin for night cuz my adhd doesn’t let me have a break. So I’m on a total of 11 pills right now until 7-10-22. I’ve been on the medicine for 5 days now and my eye looks like the second picture u posted except its not that swollen anymore and instead of the bumps being yellowish mine are a very light red. Sorry this was kinda long, I’m just relived that its not just me going through this. Im glad hes doing better!

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